April 25-27, 2025
Have you been curious as to how Shamanism can transform energy imbalances and energy loss?
Join us for one weekend of healing and transformation. We invite you into a journey to Self through Shamanic drumming, journeying, nature, and sound healing. During this retreat you will be guided to meet with your Power Animal, clear energy blocks and takes steps towards personal healing.
The retreat will include:
* Basic Information on Shamanism
* Creating Sacred Space
* Drumming and Shamanic Journeying
* Power Animal Retrieval
* Cutting Cords
* Soul Retrieval
* Sound healing
* Ancestral Ceremony
* Elements and Nature
We will begin Friday at 10am and end Sunday at 3pm
Tuition for the weekend is $340 plus lodging $300.
Location: Near Houston, Texas
Contact Ann Adam for Registration at 832-741-8232 or annadam88@gmail.com